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Norovirus Strikes 1 Royal Caribbean and 2 Princess Cruise Ships

February 5, 2012 Cruise Ship Norovirus

Cruise Ship Norovirus Lawyer.jpgThe Royal Caribbean VOYAGER OF THE SEAS sailed into New Orleans while the Princess cruise ships CROWN PRINCESS and RUBY PRINCESS sailed into Ft. Lauderdale this weekend with Norovirus outbreaks. The P&O cruise ship AURORA also reported a Norovirus outbreak earlier this year. Norovirus is a significant problem aboard cruise ships. It is rapidly passed from one person to another through direct contact and indirect contact by touching elevator buttons, door handles, pens, toilets and other common items. The disease can also spread by infected cabin attendants and galley stewards who touch your possessions while making up the cabin and eating utensils when stocking them on the tables.

Royal Caribbean and Princess stated they will perform “enhanced cleanings” of the ships, but, will keep the ships sailing. Such cleaning techniques often times do not eradicate the virus. It is interesting to know how Royal Caribbean and Princess will notify the oncoming passengers of the outbreak in the coming weeks or if the cruise lines will allow passengers who do not want to cruise at this time to re-book their reservations without penalty. If you sailed on the VOYAGER OF THE SEAS, CROWN PRINCESS, or RUBY PRINCESS within the month of February and would like to share your experience, please leave a comment below.