Two Passengers Medevaced from Royal Caribbean Grandeur of the Seas Within Two Weeks
Media has reported two separate medevac situations involving the Royal Caribbean cruise ship Grandeur of the Seas occurring over a two week period. The first incident occurred on March 29th and involved a 70-year-old male passenger who experienced abdominal pains. Upon reporting the incident to the Coast Guard, a MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter along with a C-130 aircraft departed from Air Station Elizabeth City, North Carolina. The air team met the cruise ship approximately 150 miles Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. The passenger was hoisted onto the helicopter then taken to New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington, NC.
The second incident occurred on April 8th. This time an 80-year-old male passenger collapsed while the cruise ship was near the Maryland coast. Coast Guard Station Annapolis launched a 45 foot cutter to intercept the cruise ship. The passenger, his family and ship medical personnel boarded the rescue boat and were transferred to the Coast Guard Station where emergency response crews were waiting. Upon arriving ashore, the man was transferred to Anne Arundel Medical Center. Maryland State Police assisted in the rescue.
Launched in 1996, the Grandeur of the Seas is 915-foot cruise ship which has the capacity of carrying 2,446 passengers and 760 crew. The cruise ship is conducting regular cruises from Baltimore, Maryland. The current status of the two passengers are unknown at this time.